You’ll Find Me on Networking Calls From Some Very Awkward Places

Pouring rain, a noisy street corner in NYC with throngs of people hurrying by and the sound of blaring horns in the background. Not exactly the optimal place to run a networking Zoom, but so I did because (drum roll please), you do what you have to do🙂 Caught with back to back meetings, I […]

Proactive Networking is the Goal

“Do you know a (Fill in the type of business, such as web designer, life coach, CPA, etc)?” When you respond and offer up a name, it feels good, but it isn’t proactive networking. Proactive networking occurs when you see possible business synergies between two individuals, and not because they had an immediate need and asked for […]

Making Proactive Introductions is ESSENTIAL to Maximize Your Networking Success

People often tell me I’m someone who “knows everyone.” I’m flattered to hear this, of course, but it isn’t true. Not even close. Sometimes I even think this is an excuse to avoid introducing me to others, an easy escape since I know everyone and there are no more introductions or connections to make. It […]

Building Relationships One Bite at a Time

It makes sense, right? People enjoy being social, breaking bread, sharing stories and so Adrian’s Network provides these opportunities regularly. Dinner and lunch meetings, cocktail get-togethers that grow into more than just drinks, events at people’s homes (learning how to make dumplings at Christina’s Shaw’s place comes right to mind!), pizza crawls (thank you Rob […]

You Have to Eat!

You have to eat so why don’t you do it with some of your networking community and have the opportunity to share information, insights, and your subject matter expertise. Oh yeah, and have fun too! That’s exactly what some members of the Adrian’s Network community did yesterday, and what a productive and enjoyable lunch it […]

Six in the Suburbs

Small networking gatherings for breakfast, lunch or dinner can be an effective way to build relationships and develop leads and connections. When you meet with 4 or 6 people, the conversation flows easily, and the entire group can engage. It’s almost like having 5, one-to-one meetings, but without a vast expenditure of time. Try it. […]

Pizza and Networking? Sure Thing.

On Tuesday evening, a group of fearless A’s Netters traveled to Far Rockaway for our 4th Pizza Crawl. Led by our resident pizza expert, Rob Intelisano, we enjoyed a night of networking, eating sublime pizza, indulging in a stupendous meal at the fabulous and well-recognized Rocco’s of Roc Beach, and being educated on all things […]

The Art of Networking

In today’s highly competitive world, networking has become a critical skill for individuals looking to forge contacts, connections, and business referrals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an aspiring professional, building a strong network can significantly impact your business growth. Here are some practical tips and insights on how to establish valuable connections, […]

If Your Life Was Made Into a Movie, Who Would Play YOU?

If Your Life Was Made Into a Movie, Who Would Play YOU? This was the question posed at a recent A’s Net luncheon. The answers were interesting, and the reasons behind them, even more so. Networking IS NOT only going around a table where everyone recites “my name is, I do (fill in the blank), […]