Networking and Pizza. A Match Made in Queens

Our resident pizza columnist and scholar, Rob Intelisano (aka The Insurance Doctor), arranged a dinner at Beebe’s in Long Island City. 6 members of A’s Net shared a night of fabulous food, adult beverages, lively conversation, lots of laughs, with a wee bit of pizza education thrown in for good measure. We had a fabulous […]

Adrian’s Network Theater Outing

What fun! Broadway is back and last night a group of A’s Netters went to dinner and the theater. Good food, great conversation, information shared, laughs galore, and a good time was had by all. Who says networking has to happen on Zoom or in a conference room? Sharing experiences like going to dinner and […]

Long Island A’s Net Dinner

There’s something special about sharing a meal (and wine!), to get the networking juices flowing. Our time was well spent, relationships blossomed, and a good time was had by all! Attendees: Bennet Gold, Dominick Bencivenga, Elizabeth Marasco, Deborah Van Doorne, Steve Kent, Maribeth Kraus, Adrian Miller

Networking Lunches are the BEST

I had a great networking lunch with A’s Netter Stephanie Larkin, Founder of Red Penguin Books. Besides eating yummy food at Small Batch, we spent almost 2 hours talking about travel and our upcoming trips, what’s on our proverbial “bucket list,” and our rules for a successful trip (i.e. NEVER checking luggage, landing and hitting […]

Too Much Networking?

Are you loving networking just a little too much? Perhaps. Here’s the deal… The pandemic opened the doors to scads of new networking opportunities. That’s a good thing. We know that networking can be an effective biz dev tool. It also has the risk of taking over your life, with calls filling the day leaving […]

Marketing Success Stories Shared by Members of A’s Net

Members of A’s Net shared their marketing success tips in a “mini marketing seminar.” Evan Mestman talked about his success with automating his marketing endeavors and measuring results, Joanne Meurer told us about how she helps her prospects and clients to view THEIR business as a luxury brand (awesome idea), and Stephanie Larkin provided insights […]

How to Introduce Yourself

I’m not quite certain these are new rules but to be sure they are the guidelines that you should follow when you introduce yourself to fellow networkers. Keep it brief. No really, BRIEF! Create an introduction that sparks attention, communicates what you do, but does not provide so much detail that the other person begin […]

Networking is a Contact Sport

As with so many aspects of life, networking requires action and effort if you’re going to reap its benefits.  You can attend countless in-person and online events and register for every networking group under the sun, but you’ll get nowhere if you’re not actively taking the time to connect with the people you are meeting. […]