It’s Never “Just” Lunch

Sharing a meal is always a worthwhile experience. The conversation flows easily going from topic to topic, sidebar comments about the food, decisions to drink or not (mostly NOT at lunch), and other such things in common. And when it is a small group it is somehow easier to speak and be heard, and there […]

So Little Time, So Many Networking Dinners

So little time, so many networking dinners. Actually, I’m lying. There’s plenty of time. Time to connect, grow relationships, share connections, eexplore synergies, and simply have a good time. We do this very well at Adrian’s Network. This was last night at Bobby Van’s where a group of us gathered to do all of the […]

Mastering the “Art” of Networking: 5 Must-do’s for Success

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards or attending events—it’s about building genuine connections that can propel your career and personal growth. In today’s interconnected world, effective networking has become a vital skill for professionals across industries. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a recent graduate, mastering the art of networking can open doors […]

Unlocking Success: The Core Benefits of Business Networking

In the fast-paced world of business, success is often intertwined with connections. Enter the realm of business networking, a strategic approach that transcends mere socializing. This practice is the secret sauce for many thriving entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and enterprises. Enter Adrian’s Network!!!! Here are the core benefits that make business networking an indispensable tool for success. […]

LinkedIn Insights: Elevating Your Networking Game

I’m not a LinkedIn guru or coach, but here’s what my forays on the platform have taught me: 1. Authenticity First: Share what you know genuinely.2. Relationship Over Sales: Focus on connections, not transactions.3. Value Creation: Contribute and provide value to your network.4. Friendship Matters: Forge genuine connections.5. Embrace the Journey: Enjoy the LinkedIn experience.6. […]

An A’s Net Networking Discussion About Facebook Ads and Social Media is a HIT

In a recent small networking Zoom session, what started as a casual meeting transformed into an unexpected master class on Facebook ads and best practices in social media. The session was led by A’s Netter Christina Shaw who generously shared valuable tips and tactics to leverage social media effectively. What unfolded was a testament to […]

Adrian’s Network: Building Relationships One Contact at a Time

At Adrian’s Network, we believe that effective networking is more than just seeking out your next immediate client or transaction. It’s about fostering genuine relationships that transcend the boundaries of conventional business interactions. We understand that networking isn’t just a series of events or meetings; it’s a dynamic process of building connections and nurturing relationships […]

A Note From Adrian: The Invaluable Power of Networking

As we work to build our businesses, one truth remains constant: the power of connections. Welcome to our community, Adrian’s Network—a haven for fostering relationships, exchanging ideas, and forging alliances. I’m happy to restate and share the unparalleled value that networking holds and the remarkable journey it unfolds within our community. Why Network? At its […]

You’ll Find Me on Networking Calls From Some Very Awkward Places

Pouring rain, a noisy street corner in NYC with throngs of people hurrying by and the sound of blaring horns in the background. Not exactly the optimal place to run a networking Zoom, but so I did because (drum roll please), you do what you have to do🙂 Caught with back to back meetings, I […]

Proactive Networking is the Goal

“Do you know a (Fill in the type of business, such as web designer, life coach, CPA, etc)?” When you respond and offer up a name, it feels good, but it isn’t proactive networking. Proactive networking occurs when you see possible business synergies between two individuals, and not because they had an immediate need and asked for […]