Marketing Success Stories Shared by Members of A’s Net

Members of A’s Net shared their marketing success tips in a “mini marketing seminar.” Evan Mestman talked about his success with automating his marketing endeavors and measuring results, Joanne Meurer told us about how she helps her prospects and clients to view THEIR business as a luxury brand (awesome idea), and Stephanie Larkin provided insights […]

How to Introduce Yourself

I’m not quite certain these are new rules but to be sure they are the guidelines that you should follow when you introduce yourself to fellow networkers. Keep it brief. No really, BRIEF! Create an introduction that sparks attention, communicates what you do, but does not provide so much detail that the other person begin […]

You Didn’t Think I Was Worth Your Time

Have you ever gone to a networking event only to have someone decide that you weren’t “worthy” of their time and attention? Ever had them turn their back when they found out that you were a solopreneur or simply starting out? How about having them return your card because they didn’t see that they would […]

Networking is a Contact Sport

As with so many aspects of life, networking requires action and effort if you’re going to reap its benefits.  You can attend countless in-person and online events and register for every networking group under the sun, but you’ll get nowhere if you’re not actively taking the time to connect with the people you are meeting. […]

22-Course Dinner? Absolutely, Say Members of the Adrian’s Network Community!

Our annual dinner outing to Maroni’s is just one of our stand-out events that make Adrian’s Network unique in the networking world. Speaking for myself, I can’t wait until we go back to Maroni’s next year. Until then we have theater, a book club, beach parties (in the summer, of course), MasterMind sessions, and so […]

How Many Introductions Did You Make This Week?

Proactive introductions are our lifeblood. Don’t wait for people to ask you “do you know a _______.” Put people together because: They work with similar types of companies but they don’t do they same thing. They are active volunteers. They have similar referral sources. They share a passion (hobby, music, literature, etc.) Be creative, proactive […]