Meet Evan Mestman, ProAttitudes

Evan Mestman is the CEO and Founder of ProAttitudes. From ProAttitudes: Your core beliefs, conscience and subconscious, drive your thoughts that feed your moods and motivate your actions. If you can reprogram the flawed core beliefs, you can create new neural pathways which literally change the way you think and feel. Change is possible if […]

Can I Pick Your Brain?

If you’re a respected member of a business or social network, you’ve inevitably been posed the question, “Can I pick your brain?” Besides just the ugly visual, there is something very selfish about this common request; particularly in a networking setting. Perhaps it’s just a sign of the times that help and advice are in […]

What Kind of Year Are You Going to Have?

Queen Elizabeth II once described 1992 as her “annus horribilis” – the year when the marriages of her two sons broke down and her beloved Windsor Castle caught fire. For us, 2020 was our annus horribilus. A pandemic, political upheaval, unemployment, food insecurity, business failures, we’ve all dramatically lowered our expectations and goals. The fear […]

Networking in 2021

We’re seeing a lot of posts about good riddance to 2020. This isn’t one of them. This is not a look back at 2020, but a seriously important and seemingly obvious message for 2021 – networking must be reciprocal. MUST be. I don’t mean tit for tat. I’m not that petty. I do mean you […]