Networking Partners That Become Friends

Not all networking contacts become “real” friends, but when they do, it’s extra sweet. I recently had dinner with Barbara Feldman and learned more about A Nu Start (her business), and the explosive growth that she is enjoying right now. Barbara’s business was impacted by the pandemic, but she came back with a roar, and […]

How to Introduce Yourself on a Networking Zoom

I get it, introducing yourself on a networking zoom can feel weird. All those faces in little squares staring ahead (if you’re lucky cuz sometimes folks are staring at their phone, something unknown that is in front of them, their cat, or you don’t even know what because you can see nothing but their forehead…..but […]

Long Island A’s Net Dinner

There’s something special about sharing a meal (and wine!), to get the networking juices flowing. Our time was well spent, relationships blossomed, and a good time was had by all! Attendees: Bennet Gold, Dominick Bencivenga, Elizabeth Marasco, Deborah Van Doorne, Steve Kent, Maribeth Kraus, Adrian Miller

Too Much Networking?

Are you loving networking just a little too much? Perhaps. Here’s the deal… The pandemic opened the doors to scads of new networking opportunities. That’s a good thing. We know that networking can be an effective biz dev tool. It also has the risk of taking over your life, with calls filling the day leaving […]

They’re Going on a Tad Too Long, Don’t Ya Think?

They’re intro is going on a tad too long, don’t ya think? Confession – I experience MEGO (my eyes glaze over) when someone’s intro is way too long. Their 15-second intro as best taught to us by the amazing Laura Allen seems endless. And they seem oblivious to the visual cues being given by the […]

How to Introduce Yourself

I’m not quite certain these are new rules but to be sure they are the guidelines that you should follow when you introduce yourself to fellow networkers. Keep it brief. No really, BRIEF! Create an introduction that sparks attention, communicates what you do, but does not provide so much detail that the other person begin […]

How Many Introductions Did You Make This Week?

Proactive introductions are our lifeblood. Don’t wait for people to ask you “do you know a _______.” Put people together because: They work with similar types of companies but they don’t do they same thing. They are active volunteers. They have similar referral sources. They share a passion (hobby, music, literature, etc.) Be creative, proactive […]

3 Top Tips To Improve Your Networking NOW

Networking works. Or should I say that networking CAN work. We all know that it’s time-consuming, often expensive, and occasionally, completely unproductive. Here are a few things that you should do in order to make your networking efforts more successful: Have a goal. How many times have you attended a networking event and wandered around […]

One-to-One Zoom Networking When In-Person Isn’t Convenient

One-to-one calls and Zooms are the best (only!) way to develop substantive relationships that can lead to introductions. Don’t ignore the impact of having an individual conversation. It’s where the networking REALLY happens! And meet Debra Dixon-Anderson, President of Light of Gold PR.