Did You Know That I’m Invisible!

Did you know that I’m invisible? It’s so very interesting. I’m a keen observer of human behavior and interaction and as I have aged, I’ve noticed that I’ve become more and more invisible. Some of it is grand; some of it sucks. It’s grand: To not to get stupid comments on the streets of NY […]

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

I travel a lot and the question about whether or not I need travel insurance for the trip ALWAYS COMES UP. A’s Netter Rob Intelisano helped to clear up the situation. Read the following article that was written by Rob (The Insurance Doctor). I learned a lot and you will too. The summer travel season […]

How to Stop Your Inner Critic

Here’s a fabulous blog from Yvonne Dam, Founder and CEO of Amaze Yourself Coaching. This is an important blog, as it is sometimes our inner critic that sabotages our chances for success! Take a look and learn! Thanks Yvonne. As much as I am an optimist and can always see the good in others – […]

Dinner and a Show and Networking, Too!

Six A’s Netters took to Broadway to check out MJ the Musical. The unanimous opinion was that was great fun and filled with incredible choreography and music. (Who would expect less from a show about Michael Jackson?) We started with dinner and spent the time sharing stories, getting closer, and building the trust and respect […]

Is Public Speaking Like Eating Peas?

Written by A’s Netter, Diane DiResta. When I was a child, I didn’t like eating peas. I would sit at the dinner table and push them around on my plate. Then, I’d spear one pea with my fork and gulp it down like bitter medicine. My grandfather observing this avoidance ritual suggested I mix my […]

Nothing Could Be Finer Than A Long Island Networking Dinner

There’s something very special about meeting in-person, sharing good food, drinking some wine, and getting down to business. That’s exactly what 9 members of Adrian’s Network did this week. Our regular gatherings are important, and serve to build stronger and more robust relationships.

How to Introduce Yourself on a Networking Zoom

I get it, introducing yourself on a networking zoom can feel weird. All those faces in little squares staring ahead (if you’re lucky cuz sometimes folks are staring at their phone, something unknown that is in front of them, their cat, or you don’t even know what because you can see nothing but their forehead…..but […]

Steal These Ways to Make Your Networking More Effective

The simple truth is there are some things you can do to get more substantive and positive outcomes from your networking endeavors. Play the game but play it right! And forget the cliché “givers get.” Not true. I know lots of givers that haven’t gotten anything ever. Instead: Develop a “real” relationship, not one based on BS and […]

Networking and Pizza. A Match Made in Queens

Our resident pizza columnist and scholar, Rob Intelisano (aka The Insurance Doctor), arranged a dinner at Beebe’s in Long Island City. 6 members of A’s Net shared a night of fabulous food, adult beverages, lively conversation, lots of laughs, with a wee bit of pizza education thrown in for good measure. We had a fabulous […]

Adrian’s Network Theater Outing

What fun! Broadway is back and last night a group of A’s Netters went to dinner and the theater. Good food, great conversation, information shared, laughs galore, and a good time was had by all. Who says networking has to happen on Zoom or in a conference room? Sharing experiences like going to dinner and […]