The Art of Networking

In today’s highly competitive world, networking has become a critical skill for individuals looking to forge contacts, connections, and business referrals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner, or an aspiring professional, building a strong network can significantly impact your business growth. Here are some practical tips and insights on how to establish valuable connections, […]

If Your Life Was Made Into a Movie, Who Would Play YOU?

If Your Life Was Made Into a Movie, Who Would Play YOU? This was the question posed at a recent A’s Net luncheon. The answers were interesting, and the reasons behind them, even more so. Networking IS NOT only going around a table where everyone recites “my name is, I do (fill in the blank), […]

Lunch is Always Better When You Can Enjoy Good Conversation, Laughs, and Network Too.

This week I had the opportunity to have lunch with Josh Fields Josh is an experienced residential Real Estate professional, avid sports fan, lover of music, theater, good food, and enjoying life. Do you know Josh? You should. Reach out and connect.

10 Reasons to Join Adrian’s Network

The following was written by Rob Intelisano, a long-time member of Adrian’s Network. Here’s what Rob has to say: 1. Adrian– need I say more! 2. International contacts for travel & business– for ex I met Alberto Zuppi (former Argentina Minister of Justice) at his A-net book signing (Yes, he signed one for me) and he took […]

Networking and Massage? Yes, Please!

Courtney Vasquez is an incredible massage therapist and she shared her talents with a group of A’s Netters. While the rest of us chatted and networked in the studio, Courtney worked her magic. Some feedback from A’s Netter Rich Buyer: First – over the course of my life, regarding bodywork, I can’t think of a […]

Backup, Backup, Backup

A great reminder from A’s Netter, Kim Poulos: This may be redundant information but I suggest you backup in a redundant manner! For KGI that means on multi-levels:First our local server with redundant drives. If one goes down another is running right behind it. If a drive fails or needs replacing we don’t lose time […]

Why Monday Mornings Are So Great

Monday mornings are often seen as the bane of our existence, with the end of a restful weekend and the start of a new workweek. However, there are several reasons why Monday morning can actually be great. Firstly, Monday mornings signify a fresh start, a new week with new opportunities and challenges. It’s a chance […]

Ignite Your Business – Write a Book

The following article was written by Stephanie Larkin, Publisher, Red Penguin Books. I agree with everything that Stephanie wrote, and as a matter of fact, Red Penguin Books published our very own compilation written by A’s Netters, Shared Wisdom. What can help you to stand out from your competition in a crowded field? What gives […]

5 Reasons Blind Imitation is Killing Our Health

This article was written by A’s Netter, Evan Mestman Read it and reflect on your own health and wellness, and see if you are falling into any of the traps mentioned below. Do you remember playing Picaboo for the first time with a child? They learn by imitation. When we are adults, though, imitation […]

Introverts and Networking Can be a Match Made in Heaven

Many introverts get a severe case of the jitters when they have to attend a networking event. Let me suggest another perspective – being an introvert is can be your super power. Here are some suggestions on how you can best harness your power and be a successful networker: Prepare ahead of time: Before attending […]